Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October 2 Week9 #23 Summary

The journey is over, or is it?

I am so glad that I found time to try and do this project. It took alot of time and sometimes was very frustrating, but it is incredible to learn about the resources available on the internet. I really want to be able to help people use the library and this is the future for everyone, even if we go there screaming. How many people do we see a day who need our help just to find a job? They can't type, are hardly able to read, and lost in this technical world. The more I learn the more I can help. It was a good journey.

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

I enjoyed so many, flicker and photo bucket, Library Thing and the Avatars that I want to create more of because mine is so boring.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

I hope to go back to school and I think this has been excellent as an introduction to the many helpful tools on the internet. I now longer feel left out of the new technology. I also recognize that I had better keep going, it may be easy to get left behind in the fast pace of the world,

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

I did alot of this on my own. So I'm proud that I could plow through. It was very helpful to read other blogs, so the BCPL community really was my support.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program's format or concept?

It would have been better to have a buddy. That way I may have not stopped from July to Sept.
There were times when I thought I should quit. I think someone in branch, not on the net. I learn visually and it's hard to just follow words. I think it was a good program and would like something else to continue learning.

If we offered another discovery program like this on the future, would you again chose to participate?

YES, when do we start?!

Describe your learning experience.

Frustrating, time consuming; hard, but then so are most good things in life. Look at children and raising a family. Don't give up, find advise and support and know that you will do a good job in the end. It was great. Thanks to all the staff who put this together and worked to keep us all moving forward.

Monday, October 1, 2007

October 2 Week 9 # 22 Overdrive

Overdrive is great for our customers and I recenly had a patron help another patron to learn how to download them to her computer. We get great press from our satisfied customers.

I really want to get an MP3 player and use these wonderful services. Project Gutenburg really has so much to offer. I am at the end of the 22 things and now look at me. But it has been a great adventure.
I had been on another blog and found Stuff on my...so cute.

October 2 Week 9 # 21 Podcasts

I enjoyed reading about podcasts and learning more where to find them and how to use them.
The way some libraries are using them was nice. Read a book to a child online. It can't take the place of a parent, but I like the idea. I tried to listen to some podcasts but had trouble getting them to load. Time time time.....where is the time.? I will go back. Interesting that Yahoo podcast will not be available after October 31, does this mean something?

October 1 Week 9 #20 You Tube

Have been to You Tube before. It lets all artists (WHAT???) put their work out there.
Not sure it is my cup of tea but I have enjoyed a few of the video's. The one attached is something I don't think you would find in a BCPL library!


Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 30 Week 8 # 19

WEB 2.0 Awards List. Wow.




Pretty cool stuff. If only I had the time. Someday. Nice to be able to tell real techie people I have seen the list.

September 30 Week 8 #18

Okay I visited Google docs, thought I'd be more familiar with their products. I have an account and added two items to my "docs". Not sure how to bring to this page. Will try the link here.


Okay, I checked it. I like the color!
Hi blog trying a few things here. Like the color and ablitly to save to a folder. Now can I link you to my blog?

Friday, September 28, 2007

September 28 Week 7 #17 Sandbox Wiki

Okay I have spent enough time trying to figure this one out. I think I am I the blog list. If not I tried and need to move on. I already have used more then the 18 hours I will recieve as CEU's.

September 28 Week 7 # 16

Wiki Wiki that is how I am approaching this blog. The rush is on to finish by October.

Wiki's are interesting and I spent alot of time reading about them and viewing some sites. I liked the look of the Foxfire site and hope to use it for a review of all I have learned since it has so many things we are doing listed. I went to a book wiki and added it to my RSS (I think).

the library should continue this learining creating a wiki and every month have us review on area or new techo sites. So far so good. I found many interesting areas, But no time, I'm do on the desk.......

Thursday, September 27, 2007

September 27 Week 6 #15

We will need to rethink....everything.

September 27 Week 6 #14 Technorati

Technorati is pretty neat. So, okay, who has the time to read all of this stuff. But I like the way they organize, most popular... I found out that American Indians have wider feet then most cultures and Nike is creating a shoe for this group. Also found a guy who "lived by the Bible for a year. No small feat and he gained some insite into life. I will have to go back. Tagging is no longer a mystery and I can see the advantage to using the tool.
26,048 blog posts about learning 2.0 was the hit when I searched. It is amazing how many people are using the learning tool. The never ending search.

Friday, September 21, 2007

September 21 Week 6 #13 Tagging & Del.icio.us

#13 Explore Del.icio.us and created an acount. I used it to link to some other bloggers accounts.

It is great how so many people have found this site and are using it to keep a "tag" on things of interest. Hope to go back in the near future.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 8 Week 5 #12 Rollyo

Added a Rollyo to my blog. So now I can search all of the sites at once and come up with the answers I need. Interesting idea. Would use this if I didn't work in a library. Nice to be able to suggest to patrons.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Avatar Week5 #10

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & IrelandYahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland Here is the avatar. I really wanted to do better need to try again.

Week 5 #11

Tried Library Thing. It is really fun. If I only had the time to stay and play! My favorite parts where finding a Historical fiction group. I have read most of the books but it is a good source for readers advisory. Also loved the YA group. The other fun things where to create my own library with a catalog-cool and I found this great picture about Harry Potter. Book pile contest-so cute and imaginative.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 4 # 9 Merlin

Off and running. Spent a lot of time looking through the site. Checked out the Social network and enjoyed signing up for Merlin and finding LIB VIVE. I added a note to the Sandbox. Don't know if this Sandbox is the same as #17. Will find out more as I go along.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Rss Week 4 #8

Went into RSS and created Bloglines newsreader account.
Very interesting idea, I like the way it created all of the links as I input my interests.
But seriously who has time to read all of this info?
We tend to think the younger generation is more advanced technology wise, yes because they have so much time on their hands. Single, or married with no kids.
Once life grabs hold of you with commintment and children, not to mention a husband, there is no time to read a book much less spend time on a computer searching for interests.
My kids do keep me young, and more popular with the younger patrons, especially when I quote verses from the popular raps and songs. But I prefer to walk my dog then be stuck at this computer.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Technology plays aloud Week 3 #7

Guitar Hero II is a big hit with my girls and their friends. I have even been caught playing a few songs. My brothers would just shake their heads as they play the real thing! Lots of new techi-toys to play with in this modern age.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

July 27 Week 3 #6

Tried flickr, way too complicated at this point. The kids tell me photobucket is what they use. My daughter helped me post this. I recommend photobucket. This photo however was imported from flickr.
#5 Explored flickr.
#6 Had some flickr fun.
Moving on.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Flickr July 26 Week 3 #5

I hope to be able to work on the blog for the next week on a daily basis. Looking forward to playing, with out feeling that I need to be doing something else. Being at home with my daughters should give me opportunity to get their valued advise. I have read about flickr.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"The Old Oak Tree" Week 2 #3 & #4

Every one has pictures, so here is mine. I live near CCBC and have been spending time with the wonderful old trees on campus. Who has sat here before me?

Friday, July 6, 2007

Frustrated in Lansdowne Week 1/Week 2

Okay I'm here. Glad this is so much fun, not. Sounds like a whiny middle schooler. Oh yeah that's what I deal with each day. I know this will become more fun.