Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 8 Week 5 #12 Rollyo

Added a Rollyo to my blog. So now I can search all of the sites at once and come up with the answers I need. Interesting idea. Would use this if I didn't work in a library. Nice to be able to suggest to patrons.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Avatar Week5 #10

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & IrelandYahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland Here is the avatar. I really wanted to do better need to try again.

Week 5 #11

Tried Library Thing. It is really fun. If I only had the time to stay and play! My favorite parts where finding a Historical fiction group. I have read most of the books but it is a good source for readers advisory. Also loved the YA group. The other fun things where to create my own library with a catalog-cool and I found this great picture about Harry Potter. Book pile contest-so cute and imaginative.